December "A Time To Share" and Holiday Luncheon
"A Time to Share" Event followed by our Holiday luncheon
"A Time to Share" Event followed by our Holiday luncheon
Speaker: Sara Henderson, Director of Gardens at Oakland Cemetary
Program: "A Host of Unusual Bulbs for your Spring Garden"
Minutes: Click here
Speaker: Linda Copeland, renowned author, and co-author of
"Legends in the Garden: Who in the World is Nellie Stevens"
Program: "People and Plants - a Delightful Intertwining"
Program: "None of Us is as Smart as All of Us"
Featuring: WFB gardeners for hands-on experiences.
Speaker: Dan Long, Brushwood Nursery in Athens, Georgia
Program: "Using Clematis as a Sociable Climber"
Info: click here
Special Event: Wildflower Bunch Garden Party
Where: Terraces Amphitheater, Upper Level
Info: Click here for details
Minutes: Click here
Speaker: Eleanor Craig, The "Fern Lady" from Fern Ridge Farms
Program: "How to Make Your ferns the Talk of the Town"
(Held in Wildcat Pavilion & followed by hamburger cookout)
Meeting Minutes: Click Here
Speaker: Walter Reeves - Garden Guru, WSB Radio Host and Author
Program: "When Bad Things Happen to Good Gardeners"
Meeting Minutes: Click Here
Speakers: The Garden Divas, Dalia Lavender and Claudia Kinder
Program: "Growing Your Garden in Containers"
Handout: Container Garden Design Basics
Minutes: Click here
Speaker: Cynthia Hendry, Woodland Gardens Landscape Services
Program: "Tips for your Big Canoe Garden"
Spring Luncheon to follow meeting and speaker.
Minutes: Click here