Who Are We

The Wildflower Bunch welcomes YOU!

Wildflower Bunch is a group in Big Canoe centered around learning how to better support our environment. Our mission is to promote native plants that enhance the forest, streams, and wildlife. Through our gatherings we will learn, share and make our gardens, meadows and forests better.

The Club's objectives are:

  • Preserving and protecting the integrity of our natural mountain environment and its native flora

  • Providing educative programs and experiences

  • Promoting conservation of our natural resources

  • Enhancing the beauty of our community

  • Providing philanthropic gifts to Big Canoe and the area

  • Having fun meeting these objectives

This active club meets monthly to enjoy knowledgeable experts speaking on a full range of gardening and gardening-related topics. Special events and projects, celebratory luncheons, plus field-trips to locations, sites or businesses of particular gardening interest round out our calendar.

Come join us and enjoy!

If you are already a current WFB member, you can also share information collaboratively with fellow members on our Facebook Group: Big Canoe Wildflower Bunch

Club Bird - Hummingbird

Club Bird - Hummingbird

Club Tree - Sourwood

Club Tree - Sourwood

Club Flower - Blackeyed Susan

Club Flower - Blackeyed Susan