October 2019 – Changes Proposed to the current WFB By-Laws


SUMMARY of Changes:

  • Removal of the office of President-Elect and all references to it  … eliminating the need for a multi-year commitment by any board member

  • Removal of the requirement for the President to serve as Parliamentarian in the following year … eliminating the need for a multi-year commitment by any board member

  • Removing the handling of open versus closed meetings and guests … moving this to the responsibility of the Executive Board to establish in the annual Operating Protocol document

  • All other changes are incidental editing changes … punctuation, wording, formatting, etc.

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Send an e-mail with your Comments or Questions regarding these proposed changes to WFB President, Margie Halls, at margie.halls@gmail.com. NO LATER THAN WED, OCT 30.

See a version of the by-laws with the proposed changes included.
See the current by-laws.