2018 Calendar

2:30 PM14:30

“A Time To Share” and Members’ Holiday Luncheon

Click below for Holiday Luncheon Reservations:

Once again, our annual “A Time to Share” Boutique, will be held from 10:30am to 11:45am, prior to our Members’ Holiday Luncheon.  The boutique will be open to all members, even those not attending the luncheon. Among the great items (crafts, décor, foods)  for sale this year will be silent auction and raffle items!  The annual celebration of our WFB year and installation of our new 2019 WFB Board, will begin at Noon.

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to Oct 3

Plant Swap @ Wildcat Pavilion

Come enjoy the camaraderie of fellow members.

See what others are growing.

The WFB Executive Board will provide snacks.

Each participant should BYOB (bring your own beverage). 

And …

Bring a plant; take home a plant.

Bring TWO plants; take home TWO plants.

Bring THREE plants; take home THREE plants.

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7:30 AM07:30

Callaway Butterfly Gardens @Pine Mountain Georgia

September is Blue Morpho month. Come along an marvel at the hundreds of these tropical butterflies fill the Day Butterfly Center with their iridescent-blue splendor. While you are in Callaway, you may also want to see the Discovery Center, one of the three Birds of Prey shows, or other parts of the gardens and grounds.

RSVP to Fran McKenzie by September 9th  if you plan to participate.  Further information will be provided to those who sign up regarding times, directions, carpools, caravanning, etc.

Leaving from Wildcat Pavilion parking lot at 7:30 a.m. for Pine Mountain, GA

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10:00 AM10:00

Growing Knowledge @Big Canoe Swim Club

Program: Growing Knowledge

Join us in a rotating forum as four presenters share their gardening knowledge, tip, and skills

  • Gordon Griffith “Non-Native Invasive Species”

  • Ramo - “Host Peppers: Seed to Table”

  • Nicky Sensale - “Creating Sustainable Big Canoe Landscapes”

  • Lisa and Dave Wangsness - “Flowers through Photos to Friends: Capturing the beauty of your garden on note cards”

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4:00 PM16:00

Event: Painting with Betsy Hillis @ Big Canoe Lodge

Come join us on Wednesday, July 25th  when Betsy Hillis is offering a special edition of her painting classes designed just for WFB Members

We will be meeting at the BC Canoe Lodge at 4 p.m. Feel free to bring along a favorite beverage (a cold Coke or a nice bottle of wine to share with a friend?). 

The WFB Board will provide hors d’oeuvres. The cost for this lesson is $30 per WFB member. There is a limit of 30 seats, so sign-up quickly.

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4:00 PM16:00

25th Anniversary Celebration

Photos from Celebration

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10:00 AM10:00

March Kickoff Meeting and Spring Luncheon

Spring Luncheon - Wednesday, March 7th, following the General Meeting at 10 a.m. at the Clubhouse
The featured speaker for our meeting is Cynthia Hendry who will share with us:

“Big Canoe’s gardening year & tantalizing ideas for garden additions”

Spring Luncheon Menu

Loaded Potato Soup Spinach, Mushroom and Swiss Quiche Small House Salad
Roll and Butter
Lemon Tarts
Water, Tea and Coffee Station 

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