Plants below typically first bloom in April. Description below image and includes common name, botanical name, plant family, common colors and approximate size. Do not remove plants or flowers from their homes.
Yellow Star Grass
Hypoxis hirsuta
Amaryllis Family
yellow; 6" - 8"
Arisaema triphyllum
Arum Family
green/purple/brown; 1' - 2'
Five-leaved Jack-in-the-Pulpit
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. Quinatum
Arum Family
white, green, purple; 1' - 3'; 5 leaflets
Solitary Pussytoes
Antennaria neodioica
Aster Family
white; 6" - 12"
Ox-eye Daisy (non-native)
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
Aster Family
white, disk yellow; 12" - 24"
Rattlesnake Hawkweed
Hieracium venosum
Aster Family
yellow; 1' - 2'
Tall Rattlesnakeroot
Prenanthes altissima
Aster Family
small pale yellow; 1.5' - 6'
Appalachian Barren Strawberry
Waldsteinia fragarioides
Aster Family
yellow; up to 8"
Asiatic Hawksbeard (non-native)
Youngia japonica
Aster Family
yellow; similar to dandelion with a smaller flower
Podophyllum peltatum
Barberry Family
White; 8" - 18"
Carolina Vetch
Vicia caroliniana
Bean Family
white; to 4'; vine
Heartleaf, Little Brown Jug
Hexastylis arifolia
Birthwort Family
greenish purple; 6" - 12"
Heartleaf, Variable-leaf
Hexastylis heterophylla
Birthwort Family
brown with multicolored edges; up to 2"
Wild Comfrey
Cynoglossum virginianum
Borage Family
white, blue; up to 30"
Red Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
Buttercup Family
orange; 18" - 24"
Bristly Buttercup
Ranunculus carolinianus
Buttercup Family
yellow; up to 12"
Ranunculus recurvatus
Buttercup Family
yellow; up to 24"
Sweet Shrub
Calycanthus floridus
Calycanthus Family
purple-brown; 4' - 9’
Asimina triloba
Custard-apple Family
purplish green; tree to 40'
Blue Star
Amsonia tabernaemontana
Dogbane Family
Pale blue; 1' - 2'
Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida
Dogwood Family
deciduous flowering, white or pink; 15' - 20'
Pink Evening Primrose
Oenothera speciosa
Evening Primrose Family
white, pink; 1' - 2'
Pedicufaris canadensis
Figwort Family
red/yellow; 6" - 18"
Wild Geranium
Geranium maculatum
Geranium Family
pink/lavender; 12" - 18"
Virginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Grape Family
climbing vine; 30' - 50'
Highland Doghobble
Leucothoe fontanesiana
Heath Family
evergreen shrub; white; 3' - 6'
Catawba Rhododendron, Purple
Rhododendron catawbiense
Heath Family
lilac-purple; 6' -18'; large shrub
Hillside Blueberry
Vaccinium pallidum
Heath Family
low shrub; white; to 2'
Weigela (non-native)
Weigela florida
Honeysuckle Family
deciduous shrub; rose pink; up to 10'
Dwarf Crested Iris
Iris cristata
Iris Family
white to deep purple; sepals bearded; 6" - 8"
Yellow Flag Iris (non-native)
Iris pseudacorus
Iris Family
yellow; up to 3'
Blue-eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Iris Family
blue; 4" - 8"
White Clover (non-native)
Trifolium repens
Legume Family
white; 4" - 6"
False Lily of the Valley
Maianthemum dilatatum
Lily Family
white; 2" - 4"
Indian Cucumber Root
Medeala virginiana
Lily Family
greenish-yellow; 12" - 24"
False Solomon's Seal
Smilacina racemosa
Lily Family
white; 1' - 3'
Smilax rotundifolia
Lily Family
greenish; 6' - 12+'; climbing vine
Vasey's Trillium
Trillium vaseyi
Lily Family
red; 10" - 12"
Catesby's Trillium
Trillium catesbaei
Lily Family
white, pink as it ages; 8" - 10"
Yellow Trillium
Trillium luteum
Lily Family
yellow; up to 16"
Perfoliate Bellwort
Uvularia perfoliata
Lily Family
yellow; 6" - 12"
Licorice Bedstraw
Galium circaezans
Madder Family
Green; up to 2'
Azure Bluet
Houstonia caerulea
Madder Family
tiny yellow and light blue; 3" - 5"
Lyre-leaved Sage
Salvia lyrata
Mint Family
blue; 8" - 15"
Pink Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium acaule
Orchid Family
pink; 6" - 15"
Showy Orchis, Orchid
Orchis spectabilis
Orchid Family
pink/lavender; 6" - 18”
Common Chickweed (non-native)
Stellaria media
Pinks Family
mat-forming annual; small white
Mock Strawberry (non-native)
Potentilla indica
Rose Family
yellow; 3" - 8"
Common Dewberry
Rubus flagellaris
Rose Family
white; 1' tall; vine up to 15'
Buffalo Nut
Pyrularia pubera
Sandalwood Family
white, green; vine up to 15'
Euonymus americanus
Staff-vine Family
deciduous shrub, green flowers to distinctive scarlet seeds; 3' - 5';
Carolina Silverbell
Halesia carolina
Storax Family
white; tree 12' - 30'
Poison Ivy
Taxicadendran radicans
Sumac Family
yellow-green; low shrub or vine; 20+
Fairywand, Devil's Bit
Chamaelirium luteum
Swamp-pink Family
white to yellow; 2' - 3'
Horse Sugar, Sweetleaf
Symplocos tinctoria
Sweetleaf Family
semi-evergreen shrub; yellow; 5'- 20'
Bignonia capreolata
Trumpet-Creeper Family
orange-red; up to 50'; woody vine
Sweet White Violet
Viola blanda
Violet Family
white; 3" - 5"
Bird-foot Violet
Viola pedata
Violet Family
lilac blue; 3" - 4"
Downy Yellow Violet
Viola pubescens
Violet Family
yellow with purple; 9" - 12"
Primrose Leaf Violet
Viola primulifolia
Violet Family
white with purple lines; 1" - 7"
Mountain Witchalder
Fothergilla major
Witch-Hazel Family
deciduous shrub, white; up to 20'
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Oxalis stricta
Wood Sorrel Family
yellow; 4" - 6"
Violet Wood Sorrel
Oxalis violacea
Wood Sorrel Family
pink to violet; 4” - 6”
Wild Yam
Dioscorea quaternata
Yam Family
twining vine; white or green blooms; up to 15'