
2019 Calendar

All General Meetings will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Mountains Grill Room at the Clubhouse - unless specially noted elsewhere.

December Event - A Time To Share
4:00 PM16:00

December Event - A Time To Share

When: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 4 p.m to 6 p.m, at the Clubhouse
Participants: Open to all WFB Members and their guests plus all Big Canoe residents
Cost: $15 per person, includes light hors d’oeuvres and a glass of wine plus a cash bar
Payment: Charged to your Big Canoe Lot # only (no cash, checks, or credit cards)
Deadline for Registration AND Cancellation: Friday, November 22, 2019

Shop for unique holiday items donated by WFB members or handcrafted by Big Canoe artists; Participate in the Silent Auction

Proceeds raised by WFB from the sale of gift items are donated to organizations that share a love of preserving and enjoying the outdoors and all things gardening.

Interested in donating an item? Contact Janet Jones ( jonesmtbethel@me.com ).
Questions?  Contact Betina Shearer 404-769-2775 or betina.shearer1@gmail.com .

Registration is now closed for “A Time to Share” Event
For questions: Contact Betina Shearer at 404-769-2775 or

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October General Meeting with Speaker Katy Ross
10:00 AM10:00

October General Meeting with Speaker Katy Ross

Where: Clubhouse - Open to Paid Guests($10) and Members
Speaker: Katy Ross, Night Song Native Nursery
Program: “Using Native Plants in Landscapes to Promote Biodiversity” — Katy Ross, owner and operator of Night Song Native Plant Nursery in Canton, will speak to us in depth about how native plants promote biodiversity in our gardens. She will answer the questions "What is biodiversity?" and "Why is it important?". Katy will describe which native plants work best in various areas and conditions, focusing largely on her nursery stock, which is grown using sustainable methods and without synthetic chemicals
Website: click here
Smoke Signals articles: See the articles in the September Smoke Signals, pp. 1D & 2D
Minutes: click here
Photos: click here

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September General Meeting - "Sharing Knowledge"
10:00 AM10:00

September General Meeting - "Sharing Knowledge"

Where: Clubhouse - Members Only
Speakers: Master Gardener Extension Volunteers: Larry Brogdon, Dee Boggus, Dianne Nelson
Master Gardener alumnus and Wildflower Bunch member, Debbie Dickson
Program: Sharing Knowledge: Best “How To’s” for tackling gardening projects specific to the mountains of Big Canoe
Flyer: Click here
Article: September Meeting with Master Gardeners (Section 3D)
Photos: click here

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August General Meeting with Speaker Theresa Hartz
10:00 AM10:00

August General Meeting with Speaker Theresa Hartz

Where: Clubhouse - Open to Paid Guests and Members
Speaker:  Theresa Hartz
Program: Theresa Hartz representing the Atlanta Audubon Society will be speaking on elements of an "Audubon Sanctuary Garden." Theresa is an avid bird watcher, a master gardener and a resident of Big Canoe. Her presentation will include the Sanctuary Certification Program considered the most popular program by the Audubon Society. Half a dozen gardens in Big Canoe have been certified by the Audubon Society.
Article: July Smoke Signals article, page 1D, “Gardening and wildlife—a great pairing”
Minutes: click here

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Scottsdale Farms Field Trip
9:00 AM09:00

Scottsdale Farms Field Trip

Field Trip:

Our President-Elect, Cheryl Mitchell-Jones has planned a field trip to Scottsdale Farms on Wednesday July 17th. There will be a sign up sheet at our June 5th meeting or you can email Cheryl at cmjones8195@gmail.com.


Meet at Wildcat Park around 9 a.m. to form carpools, as appropriate*

*Anyone wishing to drive separately so as to shop elsewhere in the area afterwards should advise Cheryl so she knows not to wait for them on the return trip 

Leave from Wildcat Park at 9:15 a.m. 

Lunch at The Café at Scottsdale, which is good … see their website

Return to Big Canoe when all are ready 


Check out the Scottsdale Farms website to see what they offer:  http://www.scottsdalefarms.com/

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June General Meeting with Speaker John Lomax
9:30 AM09:30

June General Meeting with Speaker John Lomax

Where: Clubhouse - Open to Paid Guests and Members
Before The Meeting:  WFB is hosting coffee and pastries in the gathering area of the Clubhouse in honor of John and Jean Lomax. You are invited to arrive by 9:30 AM to bid them farewell and best wishes in their new home. John is our featured speaker for the meeting which begins at 10:00 AM
Speaker: John Lomax, WFB past president and avid Big Canoe gardener
Program: “Best Practices for a Deer Resistant Garden”
Minutes: click here
Photos: click here

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May General Meeting and Picnic with Speakers Dalia Lavender and Claudia Kinder, “The Gardening Divas”
10:00 AM10:00

May General Meeting and Picnic with Speakers Dalia Lavender and Claudia Kinder, “The Gardening Divas”

Where: Wildcat Pavilion - Members Only
Speaker: Dalia Lavender, a Master Gardener, and Claudia Kinder, formerly with Autumn Hill Nursery
Program: “Container Gardening Made Easy ”
Press: For additional information also see, the April Smoke Signals article (Sports & Outdoors section, page 1D) on our May meeting:  "How to make a winning container garden"

Miss the meeting?  See the summaries below…
Meeting Minutes:  coming soon
Presentation Summary:  click here
Photos: click here

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April Rescheduled Meeting with Speaker Lydell Mack
10:00 AM10:00

April Rescheduled Meeting with Speaker Lydell Mack

Where: Big Canoe Chapel - Open to Paid Guests and Members
Speaker: Lydell Mack, Big Canoe Golf Course Superintendent
Program: “Landscaping of Augusta National Golf Course”
Press: For additional information also see, the March Smoke Signals article (Sports & Outdoors section, page 9D:  "WFB gets insider peek at Augusta National's greens and blooms" 

Miss the meeting?  See the summaries below…
Meeting Minutes:  click here
Presentation Summary:  click here

2019-04-17-Lydell Mack on 4-17-2019.jpg

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Cancelled: April General Meeting with Speaker Lydell Mack
10:00 AM10:00

Cancelled: April General Meeting with Speaker Lydell Mack

URGENT WFB Message -- tomorrow's meeting is CANCELED ...

WFB Member -  We have just learned that there will be construction taking place at the Clubhouse tomorrow.  Due to the anticipated noise level, in consideration of the safety of our members, and with respect for our speaker, we are CANCELING tomorrow's meeting.  Work is underway to reschedule this speaker and meeting to another day. We will advise you of the reschedule at a later date.

Please take a few moments to touch base with another WFB friend, and with any guests you have invited, to help get this message out.

Where: Clubhouse - Open to Paid Guests and Members
Speaker: Lydell Mack, Big Canoe Golf Course Superintendent
Program: “Landscaping of Augusta National Golf Course”

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March Spring Luncheon
11:30 AM11:30

March Spring Luncheon

Where: Clubhouse - Members Only who registered for luncheon
Luncheon Registration Form and Details: Click here for all the details
Registration Due: Wed, Feb 20th - REGISTRATION CLOSED NOW
Photos of the event:
click here
Ham & Spinach Quiche or Vidalia Onion Quiche(Vegetarian Option)
Tomato Bisque Soup
Gerard Salad
Lemon Pound Cake with Berries
Water, Tea and Coffee Station

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